Aquatic Bodywork > The way it works > Effect from the combination of all active factors
As shown in Chapters 4.1 to 4.10, Aquatic Bodywork can affect clients on multiple levels both physical and emotional. The therapy requires adapting to the extraordinary therapy situation in warm water, leaving everyday habits behind and at the same time processing many unfamiliar stimuli. While stored physical and emotional experiences may come to the surface and can be processed in therapy, new experiences often arise on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level, which can lead to a deep feeling of basic trust. This new state of consciousness is used in Aquatic Bodywork as a starting point to work out with the client how they can actively influence their physical and emotional health. The client learns consciously to reproduce the effects observed in therapy on physical symptoms, emotional stress or mental blocks in everyday life. This promotes the awareness that they can influence their own internal and external balance. The clients become aware of being able to shape and control their own fate (in the sense of self-empowerment).